8 Funny Cat Habits Explained
Cats are incredible creatures, and their quirky habits are one of the many things that make them so unique. From sleeping in strange positions to drinking from the faucet, cats have a lot of quirks that can sometimes be confusing to their owners. So why do they have certain habits, and what exactly do they mean? In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most common cat habits and explain what they mean.
Bumping You With Their Head
Does your cat like to rub its head along your leg or the side of your body? This is a sign of affection and means that your cat trusts and loves you. In the wild, cats will rub their heads against things that belong to them because cats have pheromones in their cheek areas that are released when they rub against you. However, that doesn't mean if they don't rub their head against you, they don't love you - every cat is different!
Excessive Running and Jumping
Cats can have a ton of energy, and when they get pent up, it can lead to them running around and jumping a lot. This is usually a sign that your cat needs more stimulation and playtime. Try playing with them using a toy or wand or investing in a cat tree so they can climb and scratch without damaging your house.
A ton of extra energy can also be due to extra catnip, which is a plant that has a stimulant effect on cats. If you're not sure whether your cat is getting enough exercise, try to watch them for a day and see how active they are. If you've tried everything and you're unable to calm down your cat, it's always a good idea to check in with your veterinarian.
Sleeping In Tiny Places
Cats like to curl up in small, enclosed spaces when they sleep because it makes them feel safe and secure. So you might see your cat sleeping in places like boxes, suitcases, or even between your pillows on the bed. This is completely normal behavior and can be traced back to their ancestors, who would find small, hidden spots to help avoid predators.
Chewing Weird Objects
Some cats like to chew on things- like paper, cardboard, socks, and even blankets. This could be a sign of boredom, sickness, anxiety, or some other type of illness and can be dangerous because it can lead to them ingesting poisonous items. If you see your cat chewing on something they shouldn't be, try providing them with more toys and playtime or placing objects that they're not allowed to chew on out of reach.
If your cat is exhibiting any of these behaviors, it's important to take them to the veterinarian for a check-up. By understanding why they're doing these things, you can help them live a healthier and happier life and help them to stop chewing things that could potentially hurt them.
Knocking Things Over
Cats are natural predators, and one of the ways they play is by knocking things over. This could be something as simple as a vase of flowers or a stack of books- it's nothing personal! It's just how they play and explore their environment. Cats can sometimes do this as well to get your attention, as they know you'll have a reaction. If you notice your cat constantly knocking over things, you'll want to ignore their behavior, so they stop doing it and put all breakable objects out of their reach, so nothing valuable is destroyed.
Kneading With Their Paws
Have you ever noticed your cat pressing its paws into things like dough? This is called kneading, and it's a sign of contentment. Kneading is something that cats do when they're nursing as kittens, as it would help to continue the milk flow from the mother cat so they could get the nutrients they need. However, as adults, they may simply do it because they're feeling relaxed. This isn't a worrisome behavior and is super common in cats.
Eating Plants
Some cats enjoy nibbling on plants- but don't worry, they're not going to start eating your houseplants! This is another behavior that can be traced back to their ancestors, who would eat small amounts of vegetation to help with digestion. Cats usually only eat plants that are safe for them and won't cause them any harm. If you're still concerned, try to keep all plants out of reach and monitor your cat when they're around plants.
Not Paying Attention To You
Cats are known for being independent creatures, and sometimes they might not seem very interested in you. This doesn't mean that they don't love you. It's just how they are! They might be more interested in exploring their environment or taking a nap. Don't worry - cats always come around when they're ready for some attention.
As you can see, cats can exhibit a range of weird and beautiful behaviors- but that doesn't mean anything is wrong. However, by understanding why they do these things, you can help them live a healthier life and minimize any destruction or mischief they may cause. Always consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your cat's health or behavior.
At JoyousJoyfulJoyness, we know how important your cat is to you, which is why you're so curious about their behaviors and ensuring they live their best life. If you want a unique way to show off your favorite feline friend, it's a great idea to purchase a custom pet portrait. This way, you'll be able to cherish your cat's memory for years to come. To learn more about our custom pet portraits or if you have any questions at all, contact us today!